

Our target is customers needs and expectations satisfied, the technological possibilities of continuous use, and consumer satisfaction. we have  producing  in hygienic conditions, quality and safe food according to international standart.

We use best quality management practices at every step in the chicken production process starting from  breeding farms to distribution in order to ensure the safety and quality of our products.


We have  food safety and quality requirements are applied and are registered with advanced practices. The production in slaughterhouses is under the control and supervision of Turkish Standarts Institue and international Organization for Standartzation and is certifed with ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System Certificate, ISO 9001 Quality Management System Certifate and HACCP 13001Certifacete.


Established as a small trader company in 2007, today we carry the business with 1 slaughterhouses equipped with cutting-edge high technologies and 12 professional team & 80 contract worker.

Nura A.S prides in  innovation, pioneering in the use of many technologies nationwide. Strategically targeting to grow and develop with smart integration systems, we invest in scopes providing cost advantage. We are making with  best delivery system to the all destinations which are  consginee/partners  we are  exporting  to our products.


Our mission is to export to world that we producing of the all  our products which is international standart in the safe condition, a kind of  best quality,  and the  shortest time.


Our vision is to create a developing partnership in our target markets, regularly and safely, for the full cooperation and harmony with our business partners.